(42 MB) 00:24:11
2016-12-25 11:00 🛈In Folge #222 hatten wir einen USB Power-Monitor gebaut, welcher Spannung und Strom misst und somit auch mAh und mWh berechnen können soll. Diesmal geht es um die Softwareseite – alles kein Hexenwerk (und vermutlich mit unzähligen Bugs), aber ein gutes Beispiel wie man verschiedene, einfache Codefragmente zu einer nützlichen Software kombinieren kann.
/* * USBMeter Test Sketch * Copyright (c) 2017, Florian Knodt - www.adlerweb.info * * Based on U8G2 HelloWorld.ino * Copyright (c) 2016, olikraus@gmail.com * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include <Arduino.h> #include <U8g2lib.h> #ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI #include <SPI.h> #endif #ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C #include <Wire.h> #endif U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_F_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE); // All Boards without Reset of the Display unsigned int ref_u = 610; unsigned int ref_i = 412; unsigned int ref_i_o = 145; unsigned int ref_i_mva = 131; unsigned int ref_DP = 615; unsigned int ref_DN = 613; unsigned int ref_VCC = 616; unsigned int ref_OV = 2175; unsigned int AA0=0; unsigned int AA1=0; unsigned int AA2=0; unsigned int AA3=0; unsigned int AA6=0; unsigned int AA7=0; void setup(void) { pinMode(2, OUTPUT); pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP); analogReference(INTERNAL); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println("USBMonitor Self-Test"); u8g2.begin(); } void printV(unsigned int volt) { unsigned int temp = volt / 100; boolean srt = false; if(temp > 10) srt = true; u8g2.print(temp); u8g2.print('.'); if(srt) { temp = (volt % 100) / 10; }else{ temp = volt % 100; if(temp < 10) u8g2.print('0'); } u8g2.print(temp); } void printV(signed int volt) { if(volt > 0) printV((unsigned int)volt); u8g2.print('-'); volt *= -1; unsigned int temp = volt / 100; u8g2.print(temp); u8g2.print('.'); temp = (volt % 100) / 10; u8g2.print(temp); } void loop(void) { u8g2.clearBuffer(); // clear the internal memory u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_unifont_t_latin); // choose a suitable font u8g2.setCursor(10, 12); u8g2.print("SELF-TEST-MODE"); u8g2.setCursor(0, 26); u8g2.print("S1:"); u8g2.print((digitalRead(5) ? 1 : 0)); u8g2.setCursor(42, 26); u8g2.print("S2:"); u8g2.print((digitalRead(4) ? 1 : 0)); u8g2.setCursor(85, 26); u8g2.print("S3:"); u8g2.print((digitalRead(3) ? 1 : 0)); u8g2.setCursor(0, 37); u8g2.print("A0:"); //u8g2.print(analogRead(A0)); unsigned int adco = (float)analogReadCache(AA0) * ref_u / 1000; printV(adco); u8g2.setCursor(64, 37); u8g2.print("A1:"); //u8g2.print(analogRead(A1)); signed int itmp=0; adco = (float)analogReadCache(AA1) * ref_i / 1000; itmp = adco - ref_i_o; itmp *= ref_i_mva; itmp /= 10; printV(itmp); u8g2.setCursor(0, 48); u8g2.print("A2:"); //u8g2.print(analogRead(A2)); adco = (float)analogReadCache(AA2) * ref_DP / 1000; printV(adco); u8g2.setCursor(64, 48); u8g2.print("A3:"); //u8g2.print(analogRead(A3)); adco = (float)analogReadCache(AA3) * ref_DN / 1000; printV(adco); u8g2.setCursor(0, 59); u8g2.print("A6:"); //u8g2.print(analogRead(A6)); adco = (float)analogReadCache(AA6) * ref_OV / 1000; printV(adco); u8g2.setCursor(64, 59); u8g2.print("A7:"); //u8g2.print(analogRead(A7)); adco = (float)analogReadCache(AA7) * ref_VCC / 1000; printV(adco); Serial.print((AA0)); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print((AA1)); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print((AA2)); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print((AA3)); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print((AA6)); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print((AA7)); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print(itmp); Serial.println(); u8g2.sendBuffer(); // transfer internal memory to the display if(Serial.available() > 0) { char in = Serial.read(); switch(in) { case '1': case 1: digitalWrite(2, HIGH); Serial.println("o1"); break; case '0': case 0: digitalWrite(2, LOW); Serial.println("o0"); break; } } //Wait 100ms to next display unsigned long lct = millis() + 500; while(millis() <= lct) { AA0 = (AA0 + (analogRead(A0)*10)) / 2; AA1 = (AA1 + (analogRead(A1)*10)) / 2; AA2 = (AA2 + (analogRead(A2)*10)) / 2; AA3 = (AA3 + (analogRead(A3)*10)) / 2; AA6 = (AA6 + (analogRead(A6)*10)) / 2; AA7 = (AA7 + (analogRead(A7)*10)) / 2; } } unsigned int analogReadCache(unsigned int out) { return out/10; }
/* * USBMeter Test Sketch * Copyright (c) 2017, Florian Knodt - www.adlerweb.info * * Based on U8G2 HelloWorld.ino * Copyright (c) 2016, olikraus@gmail.com * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list * of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other * materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include <Arduino.h> #include <U8g2lib.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <EEPROM.h> U8G2_SSD1306_128X64_NONAME_1_HW_I2C u8g2(U8G2_R0, /* reset=*/ U8X8_PIN_NONE); // All Boards without Reset of the Display //#define DEBUG #define LED 13 #define FET 2 #define SW 3 #define RE1 4 #define RE2 5 #define ADC_U A0 #define ADC_I A1 #define ADC_DP A3 #define ADC_DN A2 #define ADC_VCC A7 #define ADC_OV A6 #define BROWNOUT 0 //4.6V - write EEPROM and shut down static const float version = 0.02; unsigned long lasttime = millis(); unsigned int runtime=0; unsigned long lastkey = 0; boolean lastkeyact = false; unsigned int u_min = 475; unsigned int u_max = 525; unsigned int ref_u = 610; /* * 10A unsigned int ref_i = 497; unsigned int ref_i_o = 174; unsigned int ref_i_mva = 146; */ /* * 5A */ unsigned int ref_i = 412; unsigned int ref_i_o = 145; unsigned int ref_i_mva = 131; /**/ unsigned int ref_DP = 615; unsigned int ref_DN = 613; unsigned int ref_VCC = 616; unsigned int ref_OV = 2175; unsigned int volt=0; signed int amp=0; signed int mAh=0; signed long mWh=0; char mAh_c=0; char mWh_c=0; unsigned int lastVcc=0; unsigned int DP=0; unsigned int DN=0; byte signaling = 0; //0=open; 1=data; 2=apple-500; 3=Apple-1000; 4=Apple-2000; 5=DCP /* * When D+ = D? = 2.0 V, the device may pull up to 500 mA. * When D+ = 2.0 V and D? = 2.8 V, the device may pull up to 1 A of current. * When D+ = 2.8 V and D? = 2.0 V, the device may pull up to 2 A of current. */ char flags[4]; byte uov = 0; byte uovAct = 0; byte menu = 0; byte menuAct = 0; char uartBtn = 0x00; unsigned int adc_u = 0; unsigned int adc_i = 0; unsigned int adc_DP = 0; unsigned int adc_DN = 0; unsigned int adc_VCC = 0; unsigned int adc_OV = 0; boolean running = false; boolean output = false; void setup() { unsigned int tRead=0; // put your setup code here, to run once: pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); pinMode(FET, OUTPUT); pinMode(SW, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(RE1, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(RE2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(ADC_U, INPUT); pinMode(ADC_I, INPUT); pinMode(ADC_DP, INPUT); pinMode(ADC_DN, INPUT); pinMode(ADC_VCC, INPUT); pinMode(ADC_OV, INPUT); digitalWrite(LED, LOW); digitalWrite(FET, LOW); digitalWrite(ADC_U, LOW); digitalWrite(ADC_I, LOW); digitalWrite(ADC_DP, LOW); digitalWrite(ADC_DN, LOW); digitalWrite(ADC_VCC, LOW); digitalWrite(ADC_OV, LOW); analogReference(INTERNAL); //1.1V internal bandgap reference EEPROM.get(0, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) u_min = tRead; EEPROM.get(2, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) u_max = tRead; EEPROM.get(4, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) ref_u = tRead; EEPROM.get(6, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) ref_i = tRead; EEPROM.get(8, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) ref_DP = tRead; EEPROM.get(10, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) ref_DN = tRead; EEPROM.get(12, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) ref_VCC = tRead; EEPROM.get(14, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) ref_OV = tRead; EEPROM.get(16, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) mAh = tRead; EEPROM.get(18, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) mWh = tRead; EEPROM.get(22, tRead); if(tRead > 0x0000 && tRead < 0xFFFF) runtime = tRead; Serial.begin(115200); Serial.println(F("#BOOT")); Serial.println(F("#USB POWER Monitor - www.adlerweb.info")); Serial.print(F("#Version: ")); Serial.println(version); Serial.print(F("#[C] uMin: ")); Serial.println(u_min); Serial.print(F("#[C] uMax: ")); Serial.println(u_max); Serial.print(F("#[C] ref_u: ")); Serial.println(ref_u); Serial.print(F("#[C] ref_i: ")); Serial.println(ref_i); Serial.print(F("#[C] ref_DP: ")); Serial.println(ref_DP); Serial.print(F("#[C] ref_DN: ")); Serial.println(ref_DN); Serial.print(F("#[C] ref_VCC: ")); Serial.println(ref_VCC); Serial.print(F("#[C] ref_OV: ")); Serial.println(ref_OV); Serial.print(F("#[C] mAh: ")); Serial.println(mAh); Serial.print(F("#[C] mWh: ")); Serial.println(mWh); Serial.print(F("#[C] runtime: ")); Serial.println(runtime); u8g2.begin(); u8g2.firstPage(); do { u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_6x13_tr); u8g2.drawStr(11,13,"USB POWER MONITOR"); u8g2.drawStr(11,25,"www.adlerweb.info"); String out; out = "Version: "; out += version; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(25,50,outc); } while ( u8g2.nextPage() ); delay(1000); } void dbug(String str) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("D:"); Serial.println(str); #endif } void loop() { unsigned int passed = (millis()-lasttime)/1000; getReadings(); checkVcc(); procUART(); procSwitch(); if(!u8g2.nextPage() && (millis()-lasttime)/1000 > 0) { dbug("FRAME"); if(running && runtime < 0xFFFF) { runtime += (millis()-lasttime)/1000; } lasttime = millis(); u8g2.firstPage(); volt = procVolt(); amp = procAmp(); procmAh(passed); procmWh(passed); procDP(); procDN(); procSignaling(); flags[0] = 'C'; if(running) flags[0] = 'D'; flags[1] = 'Q'; if(output) flags[1] = 'S'; switch(signaling) { case 1: //Data flags[2] = 'f'; break; case 2: //Apple 0.5 case 3: //Apple 1.0 case 4: //Apple 2.0 flags[2] = 'I'; break; case 5: //DCP flags[2] = 'J'; break; default: //0=OPEN flags[2] = 'H'; } uovAct = uov; menuAct = menu; Serial.print('!'); Serial.print(volt); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print(amp); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print(mAh); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print(mWh); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print(runtime); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print(running); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print(output); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print(signaling); Serial.print(';'); Serial.print(lastVcc); Serial.println(); } switch(menuAct) { case 0: u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_6x13_tr); u8g2.drawStr(38,13,"USB PWR MONITOR"); drawVolt(); drawAmp(); drawWatt(); drawAh(); drawWh(); drawTime(runtime); switch(uovAct) { case 1: u8g2.drawStr(115,63,"UV"); break; case 2: u8g2.drawStr(115,63,"OV"); break; } u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_m2icon_9_tf); u8g2.drawStr(0,11,flags); break; case 1: u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_6x13_tr); u8g2.drawStr(38,13,"USB PWR MONITOR"); drawDP(); drawDN(); drawSignaling(); drawVCC(); u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_m2icon_9_tf); u8g2.drawStr(0,11,flags); break; case 2: u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_6x13_tr); u8g2.drawStr(38,13,"USB PWR MONITOR"); u8g2.drawStr(0,25,"Lower Limit:"); drawUMin(); u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_m2icon_9_tf); u8g2.drawStr(0,11,flags); break; case 3: u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_6x13_tr); u8g2.drawStr(38,13,"USB PWR MONITOR"); u8g2.drawStr(0,25,"Upper Limit:"); drawUMax(); u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_m2icon_9_tf); u8g2.drawStr(0,11,flags); break; } } void getReadings(void) { #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print('.'); #endif if(adc_u == 0) { adc_u = analogRead(ADC_U)*10; }else{ adc_u = (adc_u + analogRead(ADC_U)*10) / 2; } if(adc_i == 0) { adc_i = analogRead(ADC_I)*10; }else{ adc_i = (adc_i + analogRead(ADC_I)*10) / 2; } if(adc_DP == 0) { adc_DP = analogRead(ADC_DP)*10; }else{ adc_DP = (adc_DP + analogRead(ADC_DP)*10) / 2; } if(adc_DN == 0) { adc_DN = analogRead(ADC_DN)*10; }else{ adc_DN = (adc_DN + analogRead(ADC_DN)*10) / 2; } if(adc_VCC == 0) { adc_VCC = analogRead(ADC_VCC)*10; }else{ adc_VCC = (adc_VCC + analogRead(ADC_VCC)) / 2; } if(adc_OV == 0) { adc_OV = analogRead(ADC_OV); }else{ adc_OV = (adc_OV + analogRead(ADC_OV)*10) / 2; } } void checkVcc(void) { unsigned int vccchk = getVcc(); if(vccchk <= BROWNOUT) { EEPROM.put(16, mAh); EEPROM.put(18, mWh); EEPROM.put(22, runtime); fetOff(); digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); Serial.println(F("E:VCC")); Serial.flush(); while(1) {} } } unsigned int getVcc(void) { unsigned int adco = (float)adc_VCC * ref_VCC / 10000; lastVcc = adco; adc_VCC = 0; return adco; } void procUART(void) { unsigned int temp=0; if(Serial.available()) { switch(Serial.read()) { case '1': fetOn(); Serial.println(F("OK")); break; case '0': fetOff(); Serial.println(F("OK")); break; case 'r': runtime = 0; mAh=0; mWh=0; mAh_c=0; mWh_c=0; uov=0; Serial.println(F("OK")); break; case 's': running = false; fetOff(); Serial.println(F("OK")); break; case 'S': running = true; fetOn(); Serial.println(F("OK")); break; case '<': temp = Serial.parseInt(); if(temp > 0) { u_min = temp; EEPROM.put(0, u_min); Serial.println(F("OK")); } break; temp = Serial.parseInt(); if(temp > 0) { u_max = temp; EEPROM.put(2, u_max); Serial.println(F("OK")); } break; case 'u': temp = Serial.parseInt(); if(temp > 0) { ref_u = temp; EEPROM.put(4, ref_u); Serial.println(F("OK")); } break; case 'i': temp = Serial.parseInt(); if(temp > 0) { ref_i = temp; EEPROM.put(6, ref_i); Serial.println(F("OK")); } break; case 'p': temp = Serial.parseInt(); if(temp > 0) { ref_i = temp; EEPROM.put(8, ref_i); Serial.println(F("OK")); } break; case 'n': temp = Serial.parseInt(); if(temp > 0) { ref_DN = temp; EEPROM.put(10, ref_DN); Serial.println(F("OK")); } break; case 'v': temp = Serial.parseInt(); if(temp > 0) { ref_VCC = temp; EEPROM.put(12, ref_VCC); Serial.println(F("OK")); } break; case 'O': temp = Serial.parseInt(); if(temp > 0) { ref_OV = temp; EEPROM.put(14, ref_OV); Serial.println(F("OK")); } break; case 'V': Serial.print(F("#Version: ")); Serial.println(version); break; case 'm': uartBtn = 'm'; break; case '+': uartBtn = '+'; break; case '-': uartBtn = '-'; break; } } } void procSwitch(void) { if(( lastkey+100) > millis()) return; if(lastkeyact) { if(digitalRead(SW) == HIGH && digitalRead(RE1) == HIGH && digitalRead(RE2) == HIGH) { lastkeyact = false; lastkey = millis()+50; } return; } if(digitalRead(SW) == LOW || uartBtn == 'm') { lastkeyact = true; lastkey = millis(); if(menu == 2) { unsigned int temp=0; EEPROM.get(0, temp); if(temp != u_min) EEPROM.put(0, u_min); } if(menu == 3) { unsigned int temp=0; EEPROM.get(2, temp); if(temp != u_max) EEPROM.put(2, u_max); } menu++; if(menu > 3) menu = 0; } switch(menu) { case 0: if(digitalRead(RE1) == LOW || uartBtn == '+') { lastkeyact = true; lastkey = millis(); if(running) { fetOff(); running = false; }else{ fetOn(); uov=0; running = true; } } if(digitalRead(RE2) == LOW || uartBtn == '-') { lastkeyact = true; lastkey = millis(); runtime = 0; mAh=0; mWh=0; mAh_c=0; mWh_c=0; uov=0; } break; case 1: break; case 2: if(digitalRead(RE1) == LOW || uartBtn == '+') { lastkeyact = true; lastkey = millis(); u_min++; } if(digitalRead(RE2) == LOW || uartBtn == '-') { lastkeyact = true; lastkey = millis(); u_min--; } break; case 3: if(digitalRead(RE1) == LOW || uartBtn == '+') { lastkeyact = true; lastkey = millis(); u_max++; } if(digitalRead(RE2) == LOW || uartBtn == '-') { lastkeyact = true; lastkey = millis(); u_max--; } break; } uartBtn = 0x00; } unsigned int procVolt(void) { unsigned int adco = (float)adc_u * ref_u / 10000; if(adco > 620) { //use secondary ADC adco = (float)adc_OV * ref_OV / 1000; } adc_u=0; adc_OV=0; return adco; } signed int procAmp(void) { signed int adco=0; adco = (((signed long)adc_i * ref_i) - ((signed long)ref_i_o*10000)) * ((float)ref_i_mva/100000); /*adco = adco - ref_i_o; adco *= ref_i_mva; adco /= 10;*/ adc_i = 0; if(!output) return 0; return adco; } void procmAh(unsigned int timedelta) { boolean neg = false; signed int tamp = amp; if(tamp < 0) { tamp *= -1; neg = true; mAh_c = 0; } signed long temp = mAh_c; temp += (signed long)(tamp * 10 * timedelta) / 36; if(neg) { mAh -= (temp/100); }else{ mAh += (temp/100); mAh_c = temp % 100; } } void procmWh(unsigned int timedelta) { signed long temp = mWh_c; temp += (((signed long)amp * timedelta * volt) / 3600); mWh_c = temp % 10; mWh += (temp/10); } void procDP(void) { DP = (float)adc_DP * ref_DP / 10000; adc_DP = 0; } void procDN(void) { DN = (float)adc_DN * ref_DN / 10000; adc_DN = 0; } void procSignaling(void) { if(DP > 180 && DP < 220 && DN > 180 && DN < 220) { signaling = 2; //Apple 0.5A }else if(DP > 180 && DP < 220 && DN > 260 && DN < 300) { signaling = 3; //Apple 1.0A }else if(DP > 260 && DP < 300 && DN > 180 && DN < 220) { signaling = 4; //Apple 2.0A }else{ //Check if pins are shorted for DCP digitalWrite(ADC_DP, LOW); pinMode(ADC_DP, OUTPUT); delay(2); if(analogRead(ADC_DN) > 16) { signaling = 1; //Nope - looks like something else is pulling it HIGH, propably data } else{ pinMode(ADC_DP, INPUT_PULLUP); delay(2); if(analogRead(ADC_DN) > 16) { signaling = 0; //Nothing changed - propably not connected } else{ signaling = 5; //Looks like DCP } } digitalWrite(ADC_DP, LOW); pinMode(ADC_DP, INPUT); } } void drawVolt(void) { String out; unsigned int adc = volt; if(uov==0) { if(adc < u_min) { Serial.println("UV"); uov=1; fetOff(); running = false; } if(adc > u_max) { Serial.println("OV"); uov=2; fetOff(); running = false; } } out = "U: "; out += adc/100; out += '.'; adc %= 100; if(adc < 10) out += '0'; out += adc; out += "V"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(0,25,outc); } void drawAmp(void) { String out; signed int adc = amp; out = "I: "; if(adc < 0) { out += '-'; adc *= -1; } out += adc/100; out += '.'; adc %= 100; if(adc < 10) out += '0'; out += adc; out += "A"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(64,25,outc); } void drawWatt() { String out; signed int adc = (signed long)((signed long)volt * (signed long)amp) / 100; out = "P: "; if(adc < 0) { out += '-'; adc *= -1; } out += adc/100; out += '.'; adc %= 100; if(adc < 10) out += '0'; out += adc; out += "W"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(0,37,outc); } void drawAh(void) { String out = ""; signed int adc = mAh; if(adc<0) { out += '-'; adc*=-1; } out += adc/1000; out += '.'; adc %= 1000; if(adc < 100) out += '0'; if(adc < 10) out += '0'; out += adc; out += "Ah"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(0,50,outc); } void drawWh(void) { String out = ""; signed int adc = mWh; if(adc<0) { out += '-'; adc*=-1; } out += adc/1000; out += '.'; adc %= 1000; if(adc < 100) out += '0'; if(adc < 10) out += '0'; out += adc; out += "Wh"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(64,50,outc); } void drawTime(unsigned int calctime) { String out; int days = calctime / 86400; calctime %= 86400; int hours = calctime / 3600; calctime %= 3600; int minutes = calctime / 60; calctime %= 60; out = days; out += "d "; out += hours; out += "h "; out += minutes; out += "m "; out += calctime; out += "s"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(0,63,outc); } void drawDP(void) { String out; unsigned int adc = DP; out = "D+: "; out += adc/100; out += '.'; adc %= 100; if(adc < 10) out += '0'; out += adc; out += "V"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(0,25,outc); } void drawDN(void) { String out; unsigned int adc = DN; out = "D-: "; out += adc/100; out += '.'; adc %= 100; if(adc < 10) out += '0'; out += adc; out += "V"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(64,25,outc); } void drawSignaling(void) { String out; switch(signaling) { case 0: out = "Not connected"; break; case 1: out = "Data Connection"; break; case 2: out = "Apple 0.5A"; break; case 3: out = "Apple 1.0A"; break; case 4: out = "Apple 2.0A"; break; case 5: out = "USB Charger"; break; default: out = "Unknown"; } char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(0,37,outc); } void drawVCC(void) { String out; unsigned int adc = lastVcc; out = "Vcc: "; out += adc/100; out += '.'; adc %= 100; if(adc < 10) out += '0'; out += adc; out += "V"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(0,63,outc); } void drawUMin(void) { String out; unsigned int adc = u_min; out = "Umin: "; out += adc/100; out += '.'; adc %= 100; if(adc < 10) out += '0'; out += adc; out += "V"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(0,50,outc); } void drawUMax(void) { String out; unsigned int adc = u_max; out = "Umax: "; out += adc/100; out += '.'; adc %= 100; if(adc < 10) out += '0'; out += adc; out += "V"; char outc[out.length()+1]; out.toCharArray(outc, sizeof(outc)); u8g2.drawStr(0,50,outc); } void fetOff(void) { output = false; digitalWrite(FET, LOW); } void fetOn(void) { output = true; digitalWrite(FET, HIGH); }