[ICStation.com] BitBastelei #261 - GPS-Tracker mit Neo-6/7-Module und ESP8266
(111 MB) 00:40:34
2017-11-05 11:00 🛈In der letzten Woche haben wir uns angesehen, wie Satellitennavigationssysteme wie GPS funktionieren, nun wollen wir diese auch in der Praxis nutzen. Da die Berechnungen komplex sind ist es auch hier eine gute Idee spezialisierte ICs zu verwenden, welche eine einfache Schnittstelle für Mikrocontroller bereitstellen. ICStation.com bietet hierzu ein Modul auf Basis des mächtigen U-Blox Neo M6/M7 an, welches über UART angesprochen werden kann. Schauen wir mal auf das Modul, welche Optionen die Konfigurationssoftware bietet, den Aufbau des NMEA-Protokolls und bauen am Ende einen GPS-Trakcer auf Basis des ESP8266.
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- Das NMEA-Protokoll
- U-Blox Produktinfo & Software
- OwnTracks
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h> #include <NMEAGPS.h> #include <SoftwareSerial.h> /** * Required libs (see manager): * - SoftwareSerial * - NeoGPS */ #define RTCMEMORYSTART 65 extern "C" { #include "user_interface.h" } //WiFi const char* ssid = "freifunk-myk.de"; const char* pass = ""; //URL of ownTracks Recorder const char* owntracksURL = "http://adlerweb-vm-owntracks.ffmyk:8083/pub"; //User and Device for ownTracks const char* owntracksUser = "esp8266-1"; const char* owntracksDevice = "esp8266-1"; //Sleep between GNSS checks in minutes //const unsigned int sleep_off = 5; const unsigned int sleep_off = 1; //Time for GNSS warm-up in seconds //const unsigned int sleep_GNSS = 30; const unsigned int sleep_GNSS = 10; //Time to wait for 3D-Fix before reverting to 2D in seconds const unsigned int sleep_3d = 30; //Time to wait for 2D-Fix before reverting to RF in seconds const unsigned int sleep_2d = 60; //RF Geolocation Todo https://github.com/m0xpd/ESP8266-GeoLocation/blob/master/ESP8266_GeoLocate_2.ino //Geo-deviation in deg-fract(?) const unsigned int fence = 5000; //Force update after x minutes const unsigned int rf_force = 720; //Time to wait for RF-Connect before giving up in seconds const unsigned int rf_timeout = 60; //GNSS Power Switch #define GNSS_PWR_PIN D4 #define GNSS_PWR_ON LOW //Software UART for GNSS (RX, TX) SoftwareSerial GNSSPort(D7, D8); #define GNSS_BAUD 115200 //Hardware UART for Debug #define DEBUG_PORT Serial #define DEBUG_BAUD 115200 //Write all data when received #define DEBUG_DUMP 0 NMEAGPS GNSS; gps_fix fix; int32_t lon=0, lat=0; float vel=0,alt=0,cog=0; bool delayGNSS(uint32_t dly) { return delayGNSS(dly, false); } bool delayGNSS(int32_t dly, bool direct) { unsigned long mstop = millis()+dly; bool ret = false; if(DEBUG_DUMP > 1) DEBUG_PORT.print(F("\nS:")); if(DEBUG_DUMP > 1) DEBUG_PORT.print(dly); do { if (GNSS.available( GNSSPort )) { fix = GNSS.read(); ret = true; if(DEBUG_DUMP > 1) DEBUG_PORT.print('!'); } }while(!ret && mstop > millis()); if (fix.valid.heading) cog = fix.heading(); if (fix.valid.speed) vel = fix.speed_kph(); if (fix.valid.altitude) alt = fix.altitude(); if (fix.valid.location) { lon = fix.longitudeL(); lat = fix.latitudeL(); } if(!ret) return false; if(!direct) { if(DEBUG_DUMP > 1) DEBUG_PORT.print('+'); if(DEBUG_DUMP > 1) DEBUG_PORT.print(mstop-millis()); delay((mstop-millis())); } return true; } bool getGNSS(void) { bool ret; if(delayGNSS(100, true)) { if(DEBUG_DUMP > 0) debugDump(); return true; } return false; } bool wait_3d(void) { DEBUG_PORT.print(F("Waiting 3D Fix...")); for (unsigned int sec = 0; sec < sleep_3d; sec++) { if(getGNSS() && lon != 0 && lat != 0 && alt != 0) { DEBUG_PORT.println(F("OK")); return true; } Serial.print('.'); yield(); delayGNSS(1000); } DEBUG_PORT.println(F("NOPE")); return false; } bool wait_2d(void) { DEBUG_PORT.print(F("Waiting 2D Fix...")); for (unsigned int sec = 0; sec < sleep_2d; sec++) { if(getGNSS() && lon != 0 && lat != 0) { DEBUG_PORT.println(F("OK")); return true; } Serial.print('.'); yield(); delayGNSS(1000); } DEBUG_PORT.println(F("NOPE")); return false; } byte getBattery(void) { //@TODO not yet implemented return 100; } String getGeoDecimal(int32_t location) { unsigned long tmp1, tmp2; String out = ""; if (location < 0) { out += '-'; location = 0 - location; } tmp1 = location / 10000000; tmp2 = location - (tmp1 * 10000000); out += tmp1; out += "."; out += tmp2; return out; } bool getFence(void) { int32_t check = 0; DEBUG_PORT.print(F("FENCE - ")); //Lat DEBUG_PORT.print(F("LAT:")); system_rtc_mem_read(RTCMEMORYSTART + 1, (int32_t *)check, 4); DEBUG_PORT.print(check); DEBUG_PORT.print('/'); DEBUG_PORT.print(lat); if (check + fence > lat || check - fence < lat) { DEBUG_PORT.println('!'); return true; } //Lon DEBUG_PORT.print(F(" - LON:")); system_rtc_mem_read(RTCMEMORYSTART + 2, (int32_t *)check, 4); DEBUG_PORT.print(check); DEBUG_PORT.print('/'); DEBUG_PORT.print(lon); if (check + fence > lon || check - fence < lon) { DEBUG_PORT.println('!'); return true; } DEBUG_PORT.println('_'); return false; } NeoGPS::clock_t getTimestamp(void) { if (!fix.valid.date || !fix.valid.time) return 0; //This contains the seconds starting from the start of this century NeoGPS::clock_t seconds = fix.dateTime; //Guessing we're still 20xx this is the unix timestamp for 01.01.2000 00:00:00 seconds += 946684800; return seconds; } bool rfConnect(void) { unsigned int rftimer; if(WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED) return true; DEBUG_PORT.print(F("connecting to ")); DEBUG_PORT.println(ssid); if(pass == "") { WiFi.begin(ssid); }else{ WiFi.begin(ssid, pass); } while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED && rftimer < rf_timeout) { delay(1000); DEBUG_PORT.print("."); rftimer++; yield(); } if (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { DEBUG_PORT.println(F("failed")); return false; } DEBUG_PORT.println(F("connected")); DEBUG_PORT.print(F("IP address: ")); DEBUG_PORT.println(WiFi.localIP()); return true; } void rfDisconnect(void) { /*WiFi.disconnect(); WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); WiFi.forceSleepBegin();*/ } bool rfSend(void) { String data; HTTPClient http; if (!rfConnect()) return false; if (lat == 0 || lon == 0) return false; http.begin(owntracksURL); http.addHeader(F("X-Limit-U"), owntracksUser); http.addHeader(F("X-Limit-D"), owntracksDevice); http.addHeader(F("User-Agent"), F("Adlerweb-ESP-Tracker")); http.addHeader(F("Content-Type"), F("application/json")); data = "{\"_type\":\"location\",\"tid\":\"01\",\"conn\":\"m\",\"_cp\":true,\"batt\":"; data += getBattery(); data += ",\"lat\":"; data += getGeoDecimal(lat); data += ",\"lon\":"; data += getGeoDecimal(lon); if (cog != 0) { data += ",\"cog\":"; data += cog; } if (vel != 0) { data += ",\"vel\":"; data += vel; } if (alt != 0) { data += ",\"alt\":"; data += alt; } data += ",\"tst\":"; data += getTimestamp(); data += "}"; DEBUG_PORT.println(F("---")); DEBUG_PORT.println(data); DEBUG_PORT.println(F("---")); DEBUG_PORT.println(F("Send")); DEBUG_PORT.flush(); http.POST(data); DEBUG_PORT.println("."); DEBUG_PORT.flush(); http.writeToStream(&Serial); DEBUG_PORT.println("."); DEBUG_PORT.flush(); http.end(); DEBUG_PORT.println(F("OK")); DEBUG_PORT.flush(); rfDisconnect(); return true; } void debugDump() { DEBUG_PORT.print(F("Status: ")); switch (fix.status) { case 1: DEBUG_PORT.println(F("Nährungswert")); break; case 2: DEBUG_PORT.println(F("Nur Zeit")); break; case 3: DEBUG_PORT.println(F("GNSS-Fix")); break; case 4: DEBUG_PORT.println(F("DGNSS-Fix")); break; default: DEBUG_PORT.println(F("Keiner")); } DEBUG_PORT.print(F("UTC: ")); DEBUG_PORT.print(fix.dateTime.year); DEBUG_PORT.print("-"); DEBUG_PORT.print(fix.dateTime.month); DEBUG_PORT.print("-"); DEBUG_PORT.print(fix.dateTime.date); DEBUG_PORT.print(" "); DEBUG_PORT.print(fix.dateTime.hours); DEBUG_PORT.print(":"); DEBUG_PORT.print(fix.dateTime.minutes); DEBUG_PORT.print(":"); DEBUG_PORT.print(fix.dateTime.seconds); DEBUG_PORT.print(" - "); DEBUG_PORT.print(getTimestamp()); DEBUG_PORT.print("/"); //DEBUG_PORT.println(lasttime); DEBUG_PORT.print(F("Satellites: ")); DEBUG_PORT.println(fix.satellites); DEBUG_PORT.print(F("Speed: ")); DEBUG_PORT.println(vel); DEBUG_PORT.print(F("Heading: ")); DEBUG_PORT.println(cog); DEBUG_PORT.print(F("Altitude: ")); DEBUG_PORT.println(alt); DEBUG_PORT.print(F("Postition: ")); DEBUG_PORT.print(lat); DEBUG_PORT.print(","); DEBUG_PORT.println(lon); DEBUG_PORT.print(getGeoDecimal(lat)); DEBUG_PORT.print(","); DEBUG_PORT.println(getGeoDecimal(lon)); } byte getBootMode(void) { byte bootMode = 0; system_rtc_mem_read(RTCMEMORYSTART, &bootMode, 1); DEBUG_PORT.print("BootMode: "); DEBUG_PORT.println(bootMode); return bootMode; } ///////////// void setup() { int32_t dummy = 0; pinMode(GNSS_PWR_PIN, OUTPUT); DEBUG_PORT.begin(DEBUG_BAUD); GNSSPort.begin(GNSS_BAUD); delay(2000); DEBUG_PORT.println( F("Adlerweb GNSS Tracker v0.1.1") ); DEBUG_PORT.flush(); byte bootMode = getBootMode(); if(bootMode == 0 || bootMode > 5) { //Unknown or first boot DEBUG_PORT.println(F("Enabling GNSS Power")); digitalWrite(GNSS_PWR_PIN, GNSS_PWR_ON); bootMode=1; system_rtc_mem_write(RTCMEMORYSTART, &bootMode, 1); DEBUG_PORT.print(F("Sleeping for ")); DEBUG_PORT.print(sleep_GNSS); DEBUG_PORT.println(F(" Seconds")); DEBUG_PORT.flush(); ESP.deepSleep(sleep_GNSS * 1e6); } if(bootMode == 1) { //Waiting for GNSS 3D Fix if (wait_3d()) { bootMode = 4; } else { bootMode++; } } if(bootMode == 2) {//Waiting for GNSS 2D Fix if (wait_2d()) { bootMode = 4; } else { bootMode++; } } if(bootMode == 3) { //Waiting for RF Fix //@TODO Not implemented bootMode = 5; } if(bootMode == 4) { //Fix Aquired - sending system_rtc_mem_read(RTCMEMORYSTART + 3, &dummy, 4); if (getFence() || dummy + (rf_force * 60) <= getTimestamp()) { bootMode = 5; if (rfSend()) { system_rtc_mem_write(RTCMEMORYSTART + 1, &lat, 4); system_rtc_mem_write(RTCMEMORYSTART + 2, &lon, 4); dummy = getTimestamp(); system_rtc_mem_write(RTCMEMORYSTART + 3, &dummy, 4); bootMode = 0; } else { DEBUG_PORT.println(F("Transfer failed")); bootMode = 0; } }else{ Serial.println(F("Position unchanged, no transfer")); bootMode = 0; } } if(bootMode == 5) { //No fix debugDump(); bootMode = 0; } system_rtc_mem_write(RTCMEMORYSTART, &bootMode, 1); } void loop() { DEBUG_PORT.println(F("Disabling GNSS Power")); digitalWrite(GNSS_PWR_PIN, !GNSS_PWR_ON); DEBUG_PORT.print(F("Sleeping for ")); DEBUG_PORT.print(sleep_off); DEBUG_PORT.println(F(" Minutes")); DEBUG_PORT.flush(); ESP.deepSleep(sleep_off * 60e6); }
- 00:35 Das Modul
- 09:07 Das NMEA-Protokoll
- 13:33 Test & Konfiguration per U-Center
- 18:02 GPS mit ESP8266 und Arduino
- 19:05 Test mit SoftwareSerial
- 20:47 GPS/WiFi-Tracking mit OwnTracks
Das GPS-Modul wurde mir von ICStation.com für dieses Video kostenfrei zur Verfügung gestellt.